Standing Sculptures
Refuge in Blue
14 sculptures 6' - 24" tall
bamboo, handmade paper, fabric, ribbon, acrylic paint
Refuge in Red
8 sculptures 6" - 24" tall
bamboo, handmade paper, fabric, ribbon, acrylic paint.
The Persistence of Love
63 figures 10” – 18” tall
Copper wire, handmade paper
The Aunties
20 sculptures 18” x 6” x 6”
Handmade abaca paper, textiles, acrylic paint
The Sentinels, Number Two
Handmade cotton paper, pulp painting, acrylic paint
24”x36”x18” (width and depth variable according to installation)
8 sculptures 8” tall
Fabric, bicycle tires, waxed linen thread